Prof. Dr. Oleg Dik

Olek Dik, Professor for Urban Theology & Sociology am TSB

▶︎ Ph. D. Religious Studies, Humboldt University Berlin, 05/2015.

▶︎ M. A. Religion and Culture, Humboldt University Berlin, 09/2009.

▶︎ M. A. Biblical Theology, University of Gloucestershire, 09/2006.


▶︎ 017-present: Professor for urban Theology and Sociology at Evangelische Hochschule Tabor / Theologisches Studienzentrum Berlin.

▶︎ 2017 – present: Lecturer in Sociology of Religion at Humboldt University Berlin and at University of Leipzig (2016/17).


▶︎ 2019/2020: Visiting scholar at Yale University, New Haven.

▶︎ 2010/2011: Research fellow at Orient Institute Beirut, Lebanon.



▶︎ German Sociological Association (DGS)

Research Interests

Church & Society

Immigration & Pluralism

Urban/Intercultural Theology

Charismatic/Pentecostal Christianity in Lebanon

Christian-Muslim Relations

Social Change & Innovation

Secularization Theories

History of Innovation

Technology & Change

Interdisciplinary Theology of Innovation

Mysticism & Innovation

Pastoral Theology

Worship & Ritual Studies

Spiritual Formation

Intercultural Ministry


Historical Anthropology

Embodiment Theories

Gnosticism & Transhumanism

Anthropology in Russian Literature


▶︎ Dik, O. (2022). Church, Immigration & Pluralism. Paradoxical reformation after German Christendom. Muenster: LIT.

▶︎ (2017). Realness through Mediating Body: The Emergence of Charismatic/Pentecostal Communities in Beirut. Goettingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

▶︎ (ed. with John Dik, forthcoming with Brill). Apocalypse & Totalitarianism. On paradoxical relation between religious and secular patterns.

▶︎ (forthcoming with Wipf & Stock, Series Theopolitical Visions). Worship or Suicide. Paradoxical Church & Post-liberal Society.


▶︎ Dik, O. (2019). Conversion Dialogue and Resilient Pluralism. In Andrew P. Lynch (Ed.), Interreligious Dialogue: From Religion to Geopolitics. Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion, Vol. 10. Leiden: Brill.

▶︎ (2019). Die Zukunft der Christen im Nahen Osten. Mit Gott auf der Globalisierungs – Welle reiten? Forum Weltkirche, p. 16-21.

▶︎ (2013). Does it Matter whether the Holy Spirit Spoke to Fatima? In G. Giordan and L. Woodhead (Eds.), Prayer in Religion and Spirituality. Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion, Vol. 4 (pp. 281-299). Leiden: Brill.


▶︎ Dik, O. (forthcoming). “Die Dilemmas & die Zukunftsfähigkeit des Liberalismus”. Hannover: ibidem.

▶︎ (2022). “Freiheit durch Kreuzigung. Cancel culture aus religionshistorischer Perspektive”. In S. Beppler-Spahl (Ed.) Meinungsfreiheit & Cancel Culture. Berlin: Novo Argumente.  

▶︎ (2019). “Viktimisierung des Anderen: Konsequenzen für Soziale Arbeit im Zuge der Pluralisierung.” In C. Rahnfeld (Ed.) Theologie und Soziale Arbeit im Gespräch. Eine Gesellschaft – viele Herausforderungen, (pp. 145-167). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

▶︎ (2013). Your Prayer Moves God. In L. Hustinx and J. von Essen (Eds.) Religion and Volunteering. Complex, contested and ambiguous relationship. Nonprofit and Civil Society Studies (pp. 263-283). New York: Springer.
